Monday, February 23, 2015

Girl with a Planner…?

Hello new friends!

This blog has been up and coming (in my head) for about the past two years. I've always wanted to create one, but I kept coming up with excuses. Recently, I've had a lot of people ask me what I do in my free time, and I don't have a look of good answers (besides watching Netflix-One Tree Hill anybody?!). So, I finally bit the bullet and made a blog!!

Please bare with me as I am completely new at this, but I am going to try really, really hard to make it how I want it, so it'll probably take time. For now, so I don't set unrealistic expectations, I'm going to commit to one post a week. Hopefully that will increase quickly!

A little behind the name of this blog…the name has been one of the reasons that I haven't actually made a blog before. I feel like the name draws people in to read it, so I wanted to have a good one. I wrote this name down about a year ago hoping to think of a more creative one, but unfortunately one didn't come. So "Girl with a Planner" it is! I love organizing, schedules, and my planner is the main way I keep my sanity (besides prayer). I have no idea yet what direction this blog will go in, but I want to be proud of my posts, and I want y'all to love them, too! Feel free to email me if you have any posts you would like to see!

Thank you for reading friends!

P.S. Also bare with me as I try to develop a "blogger's eye" for photography! :)

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