Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Senior Year?!

Well guys, when you are reading this, I will have completed a full week of Senior Year!! I still can't believe that this is my last year of high school. Yes, that sounds so cliche, but it's true.

A few days ago, I wrote out a list of goals I want to accomplish this year. So far, I've had not a lot of homework/no job/few extracurriculars, so they've been pretty easy to keep.

A few school essentials pour moi

*side note*-take advantage of your free afternoons while they last!! I know pretty soon I will be swamped with college applications, essays, homework, and social obligations, so I'm using the time I do have now very wisely!!

Without further ado, my 8 goals for Senior Year:

1. Spend time with Jesus. 

Whether it be two minutes in the car before school or an hour before bed, I want to have some sort of devotion/prayer/journal time each day.

2. Sleep at least 7 hours.

Y'all, Junior year killed my sleeping hours. Some nights I honestly went to be at 3 and woke up at 6:30. I would really prefer to avoid that this year. (After only 5 days of waking up for school, I think my body realizes there will be no more sleeping til 12 every day).

3. Keep my desk clean.

OK kind of random, but my desk is something I really want to take advantage of this year. I always tend to have random papers or books with no place to go just sitting on my desk, so I've tried to find spots for all of them. If my desk is clean, then I will choose to study there instead of my bed, which is where I'll most likely not do my best studying.

4. Drink lots of water.

I can already notice a change in my body from this one! I don't feel as weighed down as I used to, and my craving for a Dr.Pepper with vanilla from Sonic has decreased (although one every once in a while is fantastic :) Also, I did not just buy that new monogrammed water bottle for nothing. 

5. Run at least twice a week.

One of my friends and I are running in the Color Run in November, so I am trying to get back into decent/somewhat/I can actually run 3.1 miles shape. I've been writing down all my workouts in a little journal just to visually keep track.

6. Be a friend.

Most likely, I won't see the majority of the people in my class until our 20 year reunion, so what does it hurt to be a friend to everyone and kill 'em with kindness?

7. Keep up with the blog.

Y'all, I am going to try to hard. I have so many ideas, but sometimes it is just so hard to spend the time to put them on a computer (psh, excuses, excuses). My *rough* goal for this year is one post a week. My brother is taking a photography class at school, so maybe I can get him to be my unofficial photography?? 

8. Read before bed.

I really do love reading, but when Netflix is calling my name, I usually choose it over a book right before I fall asleep. So many people have told me it is bad to look at a screen right before you go to bed, and I've also almost broken my computer several times from leaving it on my lap (and then I fall asleep and it falls off the bed-whoops!). This will also give me a chance to read books that aren't required for school.

So, there you have it friends-my 8 goals for Senior Year! Leave a comment with any goals you have for this year. Hope your new "year" is off to a great start!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

All About Introverts

Hi friends!

So, this post might seem kind of random, but I've been talking with a friend a lot about personality types, so I decided to share my thoughts. But first, a few things.

-I took an aptitude test last fall, and I was 60% Introvert and 40% Extrovert. *side note-I took the Meyers-Briggs test last night, and I am an ISTJ!

-I am in no way am trying to give professional opinions. These are just my thoughts.

-I don't mean to come across as rude or mean; writing, like I'll share, is just how I prefer to share my thoughts.

So, without further ado, here are six things that I would like you to know about introverts.

1. We have to have alone time. 

Introverts gain their energy from being alone. I love hanging out with friends and going to do social things, but spending time by myself is how I recharge.

2. We are not loners.

This sounds contradictory to #1, but it's really not. Just because I have "me time" doesn't mean I want to spent the entire day locked in my room.

3. We're not unfriendly.

Please do not take offense if I do not come up to you and introduce myself. Just because I don't offer my life story at our first introduction doesn't mean I don't want to get to know you. Communicating with new people and trying to be genuine is hard until I really know you.

4. Please invite us.

I think this one will apply to all personality types, especially because everyone has FOMO, but please do invite us. Everyone hates being the instigator, but in the end, you are the one who could have organized the most fun night of the summer!

5. It's hard to start a conversation. 

This one is similar to #3. Communicating with new people and trying to be genuine is hard until I feel comfortable around you. 

*Personal note here-I am a one-on-one person. I have great conversations with people if it's just the two of us or a very small group. Also, although it may not apply to all introverts, I communicate even better through writing rather than speaking.

6. Please don't get mad at us.

Some people get irritated when someone does not act the same or enjoy the same things that they do. But what fun would that be if we were all the same?! We are all unique and have our own ways of doing things.

What do you think? Share your opinions in the comments!
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Farmer's Market Finds

Hi friends! Long time, no post. But good news…I am finished with my summer reading (forever!), and I have several posts prepared before the dreaded start of school.

To kick off the month of August, Cate (one of my best friends) and I took a little trip downtown to visit the Farmer's Market. We both have been making our own summer bucket lists, and this was definitely something we wanted to do before school starts.

I brought my camera and was determined to take a bunch of photos, but I realized that I am not used to being in "blogger" mode yet. Will have to work on that.

My mom gave me a list of a few things–cantaloupe, corn, tomatoes–and other than that, I just purchased some flowers.

 These cucumbers were too cute not to photograph.
 This is a really random photo, with a blur of white at the bottom because I was struggling with a shopping bag, but hey, I think it really conveys the experience.
 We took this picture as a joke, and then someone from Texas asked us to take a legitimate photo for them. Whoops.

 And this lovely gal is Cate. She is the one who introduced me to blogging (check her out here),  one who is always up for an adventure, and the one who I have the best conversations with about life. She's the best, y'all.

Also, two things we learned from this adventure:
1. Do not wear black if you plan on being in the sun at noon.
2. Just because it is light outside does not mean you should walk around by yourself. 

Leave a comment if you want to see other bucket-list adventures!