Tuesday, November 10, 2015

10 Tips About the College Process

Hi friends! Today I am going to talk about the buzz word around my school recently-COLLEGE. (ooooo scary). But really, college has been the it topic with deadlines approaching and ACT scores coming out today. I am no expert, but these are 10 things that I have learned throughout my process over the past 5-ish months.

1. You do you.

I listed this one first because it is the most important in my opinion. You are going to college for YOU, so make the decision based on what you want! Of course there are circumstances such as financial need or family situations, but you are the most important factor in this decision. I have been guilty during my process of applying to/favoring schools because of what I heard someone's parent say or talking with a friend. Ultimately, your college experience will be what you make it, so don't let others strongly influence you if you don't agree.

2. Do the work on the front end.

My school has a session during the summer where we work on college essays, resumes, applications, or anything else college-related for three days during the summer. Was it awful having to do that much work during the summer? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely. When I started submitting applications, all I basically had to do was copy and paste because I had done all the work previously. Take my word for it and start early. 

3. Don't become reliant on your parents.

This one is about the whole topic of independence. Most likely, you will be living away from your parents, and you will ultimately be responsible for almost every aspect of your life. Use the college application process as an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to do something on your own! (But don't be afraid to ask your parents for help, too). 

4. Prioritize.

The way most colleges work is that you apply, and then you apply for scholarships, and then after you get accepted, you apply for housing, meal plans, etc. I have tried to kind of follow that pattern as a guideline for all of my colleges. Be cautious about deadlines though-don't do every possibly application for one college and then realize the deadlines for another college have already passed. 

5. Choose a roommate wisely.

This is the step that all of my friends are kind of freaking out about now. I feel like I'm kind of hypocritical because I always said that I wouldn't room with someone I was close friends with, but most likely I probably will. A lot of my friends have already found roommates, but a few are having a hard time finding one. I've heard a few girls say, though, that they don't particularly want to room with someone, but they probably will anyway. My advice to you, readers, is to go with your gut. If you know for a fact that you and someone else will not mesh well, do not room with them. If you know that now living in separate houses, just imagine what it will be like when you are forced to share a tiny dorm room together. 

6. Don't wait until the last minute.

As I said in #4, be cautious of deadlines! Don't wait until the week before to start your essay. Leave time for several people to edit it so you can produce the perfect draft. Also, request your recommendations early! If you wait until April to ask a teacher to write a rec for you, chances are they've already written 20 or there are 20 people in line in front of you. 

7. Don't wish away your Senior year.

High school may have been awful for you, but Senior year is the best year! This is the last year that you will be around everyone you've grown up with for the past 12 years. I have made so many special memories this year, but there have also been so many "lasts" that I've taken for granted previously. If you find yourself wishing away Senior year, then make a list of your favorite things from high school and try to relive those. 

8. You're not planning the rest of your life.

College is an important decision, but it does not determine the rest of your life! Nothing is set in stone. You can change your major, change your school, change your career-anything can happen. My friend was in a terrible ski accident last spring. Last week, she talked to our high school about how sometimes God calls you to Plan B. Or C. Or D, E. F...etc. I personally struggle with planning, more specifically always having the perfect plan. I want to know that I am choosing the absolutely perfect college and that there will be no problems or issues. Someone that spoke to our Junior class on our class trip last year said, "Would you rather have God's assurance that you picked the right college or the assurance that God will be with you wherever you go?" Food for thought. 

9. Get over the Senioritis.

Last year I thought Senioritis was just an excuse for those who were super lazy, but in the past three weeks I have discovered that it is a real thing. I have about zero motivation to anything school related. BUT....push through it! Put your best foot forward and produce great work-in school and on those applications. You won't regret it next year when you enter into the hardest classes of your life. 

10. Choose the best fit.

This is self-explanatory, but choose the school that works best for you and make sure you're going for the right reasons. 

That's all, folks! Let me know whether you agree, disagree, or having other tips in the comments!
Happy Tuesday!


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