Sunday, November 29, 2015

Girl Has A Planner!!!

Well friends, almost a *year* later, I am finally putting up my planner post. Yes, these pictures are almost two months old, and I apologize for that. The agenda I have is the large Lilly Pulitzer agenda. Recently I won a free planner (winning never really happens to me), so maybe when I start using that one I'll do a different post. Also, theses pics were taken on my phone, so bear with me.

I use these PaperMate pens. On the first day of school, I made out that little key to assign a color to each class. I use the Sharpie pens for all clubs, appointments, etc.

 On the monthly calendar, I write down when all assignments are due as soon as they are assigned using that class's specific color. Every so often I'll use the stickers that come in the front of the planner. And then I'll put things on the weekend as motivation to get through the week. :)

I cross off the days on the monthly calendar as they go by. 

 At my school, we follow a block schedule, so that makes it a little easier planner wise. I write down the assignments during class, and then all major assignments I write down at the top of the day they are due (pictured below). After I finish an assignment or turn it in, I go over it with a highlighter.

And that's all folks!

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