Friday, January 15, 2016

New Year in Europe

Hi friends! Happy New Year!

So, the past few weeks have brought about the start of school again (crying silently). But, at my school, we have a two week period after Christmas break that's used for classes, internships, or trips. This year I went on a trip to France and Switzerland, and I wanted to share it with y'all!

Note: Originally our trip was only intended to go to France-Paris, Lyon, and the Loire Valley. But, due to the devastating attacks in Paris this past November, we weren't allowed to go to Paris. Y'all, let me tell you-I was bummed. So bummed, in fact, that I really wasn't excited about the trip until a few days before. Now, I know, that makes me sound really spoiled and ungrateful, but it had been and still is my dream to go to Paris. I know that one day I will get there, but this trip ended up being an AMAZING experience!

Day 1.

The first day was a traveling day. We flew to Houston to Munich and then on to Lyon. 
Cliche *trying to be hipster but failing* pic.
My first meal on a plane-lol sorry for the disgusting quality of this pic (literally and figuratively), but I thought it was part of the experience. HA. 
Cute mirror pic in Germany
First European coke! It was different but still good!
Flying into Lyon

Day 2. 

Due to some unexpected trouble with one of the planes, we ended up being delayed and getting to Lyon at the end of the second day. 

Here's a pic of our cute little hotel. 

Day 3.

This day was our one day in France, and it was packed full of sight-seeing! We walked nine miles this day. (Note here-I started writing this post and realized it was going to take five hours to recount everything we did, so instead I'm just going to include my favorite moment or two from each day!)

We started out in Bellecours square, which is the second largest square in France. 

Next, we rode on our bus up to a high point in the city, and we go these views. Can you say WOW!

Also, we found some macarons!
And ate lunch by the Rhone River. 

Day 4. 

On day 4, we sadly left France and drove into Switzerland! We spent most of the day in Geneva. 

This is the view from the top of St. Peter's cathedral.

We also made a stop at Laduree, which was a MAJOR highlight for me. (I even ordered completely in French. woop woop!)

Quick selfie friend thought I looked very European.

Day 5. 

Days 5&6 were probably my two favorites in Switzerland. We spent the day in Berne, the capital of Switzerland, and were supposed to tour Albert Einstein's house. But, it was closed, so instead we got go ice skating. Outside. While it was snowing. In Switzerland. AHHHH! It's something I'll never forget. 

I had to ride on this seal for a few minutes until I got my ice legs. 

Then, we visited the cookie factory. The cookie factory had unlimited free samples. We ate enough to last us about 3 days. We also visited a cheese farm, learned about the cheese making process, and had a cheese tasting! It was very authentic. 

Day 6. 

Day 6 started out with a visit to the Frey chocolate factory. We got to make our own chocolate bars to bring home! Here's mine in the process. 

They had an interactive museum, and here are some chocolate bar wrappers from around the world. 

And then we dressed up like cocoa nibs. I still don't understand. 
At night on day 6, we had an authentic Swiss dinner experience. Think Swiss Family Robinson in an actual barn with actual hay and actual Swiss instruments. I'm talking accordions here people. 

Day 7. 

Day 7 was our spa day! We got in a cable car type thing that took us to the top of a mountain where a blizzard (or at least a blizzard to people who have yet to see snow this year) met us, along with fully costumed German band. Our group had a snowball fight and ate lunch here.

Next, we went halfway back down the mountain and went to the spa! It was a really modern spa with pools indoors and out. I really don't know how to describe the experience, but it was quite memorable! ha.

Here's our view from the spa.

Day 8.

Day 8 was sadly our last day to do things in Europe. We started out by hopping on a gondola that took us to the top of another mountain with another blizzard (again, exaggerating). We hiked all the way down the mountain, and at the bottom the temperature was about 45 degrees with no snow. 

Wear a hat when it's snowing. Take my word for it. 
And then came our surprise! We went to a place called the Husky Lodge, and our surprise was the "Husky Dream." Huskies were strapped to belts around our waist while we walked in the Alps. It was a really cool experience, but those dogs are crazy strong!

Day 9.

Day 9 we left for home! It was a long day, but it was so good to see my family at the end of end! Five days later and I'm still recovering from jet lag lol. Hope y'all have a great weekend!

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