Friday, January 6, 2017

I'm Back!

Well hello, friends! I started this project almost two years ago, but quickly I abandoned it. I just starting getting really frustrated with comparing my blog to others, and the craziness of the senior year of high school started to kick in.
 A lot of changes have happened in the past six months! I graduated from high school, started my first semester of college, and joined a sorority. I'm currently a biology major at the University of Arkansas. Guys, let me tell ya, being a science major is HARD. And I will be the first one to admit that high school did not prepare me for the pace of college. I feel like I am in such a better routine now, and I'm taking on a lot of projects in this next semester (more to come on that later).
But, I just still felt like something was missing. I missed reading, and I missed being creative. I joined the Yearbook Staff my senior year because I needed a creative outlet, and I am not artistic in the painting/drawing aspect. And I loveeeed Yearbook. #yerdstatus Reading other blogs in the morning is one of the highlights of my day, so I decided to jump back on the train!! I am at the very basic level of this, but it's something I truly want to be committed to this year. Please bare with me on the layout/design, as I'm going to focus on content in these beginning stages. Also, I'm not going to promise any certain number of posts per week, but I am going to try to get ahead before I head back to school in 10 days. I hope y'all are as excited as I am for this new venture!! The next two posts to follow will be very New Years/reflection based. Please comment and interact, as that is super encouraging!

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