Monday, February 20, 2017

10 Truths About Dorm Life

Hey friends! Hope you all had the best weekend. I went home for Homecoming and got to spend a lot of time with the fam. :))

Quick update--I'm going to start posting on Monday! That way I have the entire week and weekend (when I'll have the most free time) to dedicate time to the blog.

Today's post is geared more toward high school seniors/college freshmen-or if you choose to experience PTSD from your time in a dorm. I'm sharing my top ten truths about dorm life, or if you want to get really dramatic-DORM LIFE REVEALED.

See here some photos of what dorm life is actually like :)
Move-in day pics

 Cramming for tests on a Saturday night haha

Desk views

1. Everyone has to do it.

Unless you live really close to campus or are taking online classes, you'll be living in a dorm your freshman year. Every endures the shared bathrooms and dining hall food. 

2. You will need some alone time.

Find a spot or a time during the day that's just for yourself. You will be with people all the time, and it's important to get that time to gather yourself and just sit with your own thoughts.

3. Community bathrooms are not as bad as everyone makes them out to be.

Whenever I was choosing my housing for this year, the community bathrooms for the dorm I live in now were a major turn off. Shower shoes, no privacy, ugh. But in all honesty, it really hasn't been that bad. There is always an open shower, and the bathrooms get cleaned every day during the week. I'm a 100% neat freak/personal space/privacy person, and this really has not been a huge issue for me. 

4. The dust is there to stay.

My mom *strongly* suggested I get a vacuum for my room, and it has come in handy when I've spilled half a box of Cheerios on the floor, but it does nothing to help the dust. Savana (my roommate) says it's because the space is so small...anyway you just have to deal with it. Make sure to go outside and get some fresh air once in a while. The dust just doesn't disappear. (Also, cringing thinking about the dust that will be behind my furniture when I move out.)

5. You'll eat anything free that's put in front of you.

Honestly, I really hate the dining hall. This sounds kind of snotty, but I'm just not a fan. There's something about the smell, and the mass amounts of people there during rush hour...who knows. Everyone tells me I'm kind of a brat because of it lol. There will be so many on campus events that offer free food....GO TO THEM. Who knows, maybe you'll meet your BFF there?!

6. It's hard to find a place to talk privately on the phone. 

This was one of the hardest struggles for me during the first few weeks of college. I was so homesick and just wanted to talk to my family but could never find a space to be alone. I would recommend finding a study room somewhere in your dorm, coordinating schedules with your roommate, or even going to sit in your car (but don't really do this because your chance for being kidnapped increases-you're welcome mom :). 

7. You have to make your bed if you want your room to appear somewhat decent.

It's non-negotiable. When your entire "house" consists of a room small enough to be a closet, you have to make your bed. It's the focal point of your room, and it's the first thing you and/or others will see when they walk through the door. 

8. If you don't take out the trash, your room will smell bad. 

Also non-negotiable. I would recommend getting two trashcans-one with a closing lid for food, and a separate one for other trash. Take it out OFTEN. 

9. It's possible to make that teeny-tiny room feel like your home. 

Whenever Savana and I were planning our room decor, we wanted to make sure we made it feel like home. We didn't want a bunch of clutter or cheap lights. We wanted it to be cute yet functional. Think of the things in your room at home that you couldn't live without. Tons of pillows? Totally possible in a dorm. A massive fridge? Really depends on your university....we have one that does not meet electrical standards #whoops. 

10. You'll form some of the best memories of your life. 

Cliche, but true. I was really skeptical that I would get sick and tired of living with 58 other girls on my same floor. Yes, there are some nights that I want to scream at my neighbors for blaring music when I'm trying to study at 1 A.M., but there are also nights when I can knock on my neighbor's door to go get ice cream. 

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