Tuesday, June 20, 2017

5 Ways to be Encouraging

In a world where everyone is striving to be on top, it's rare to find voices of true encouragement--especially in the college culture. Many times, even an attempt at encouragement comes across as fake or un-heartfelt. I know that I've needed the most encouragement over the past few years. So today, I wanted to share 5 practical and easy ways to lift others up around you.

First, figure out why they're discouraged. Have they just had a few rough days at work, or are they going through a rough patch with their boss? Sometimes knowing the problem will help you know how to best encourage them. 

1. Send a note/gift

A note shows you care in two ways--first, with your words, and second, with your time. Personally, I usually feel the most encouraged with a few sentences saying something along the lines "I know you can do it!" Plus, I can carry those notes around for those really bad days. 

2. Just sit and listen

Sometimes, people just need someone to sit and hear about all of the hard times they've been going through. Don't feel required to offer a huge response; rather, maybe a "I'm sorry about all that, I'll be praying for you." Often, just showing that you're willing to stop what you're doing just to listen will mean the most. 

3. Find other people to encourage them

Maybe they feel like their work is inadequate; find one or two people that love their work and can genuinely commend them for it. Or maybe they're struggling through an issue with a parent or friend and you've experienced a similar situation. Sometimes knowing that others have gone through the same thing lightens the load of your problem.

4. Send constant encouragement

Sometimes, your friends will need encouragement more than one or two days. Send them a letter in the mail every day for two weeks, text them meaningful verses every morning, or even have flowers delivered randomly for a month (if you're feeling reallllly generous). 

5. Perform an anonymous act of kindness

And then sometimes you're just having a terrible, no good, very bad day. So you go to get your caffeine at Starbucks. And then some very great, incredible, very nice person behind you buys your coffee. And you just sit there in your car thinking, "It's going to be ok." It doesn't even have to be anonymous, but sometimes people are struggling and aren't telling anyone. Being on the receiving end of an act of kindness is so refreshing!

While writing this post, all I could think of was the children's song, "Encourage one another, and build each other up!" Challenge yourself this week to love on and encourage those who are close to you.

What are some ways you most feel encouraged??

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