Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Life Recently / Summer Bucket List

Hello friends!! Here today with a 'lil life update and things I hope to accomplish this summer. And I promise I'll have an actual post (not about my life) going up this week.

As of the end of this week, I'll have been home for close to a month, which is CRAZY. Not going to lie, the thought of going back to 16 hours of classes kind of makes me want to cry. But I really, really, really miss my people!! It's truly a shock going from living with forty girls on your floor to living with no friends at all. It's been a little lonely, actually. However, I'm trying to take the time this summer to rest and do all of the things I've wanted to do for so long, like read and watch Netflix. Yes, read people. I know it's odd.

So, what am I up to this summer?? Well, about 5 days a week I'm hostessing at a local restaurant, I'm taking an online class, and I'm trying to reestablish a gym routine. This summer, I really wanted to work at camp, but that's not what the Lord had planned for me. Despite the simplicity, I actually enjoy my job. It's a good pace for me and never boring.

In my free time, I'm trying to keep up with all my camp people via snail mail (post on that soon!!) and basically just doing whatever I want to. I really didn't prioritize many "fun" things this past semester, so this summer I'm trying to catch up.

And now for my summer bucket list!!

1. Camping/Glamping

hahaha everyone that knows me is laughing at this right now. We. will. see.

2. Go a new coffee shop/get coffee with a new person

There are a ton of local coffee shops where I go to school, but not many at home! I want to try to find a new one.

3. Have a movie marathon

hmu w/ suggestions!

4. Road trip to see Cate

Already checked this off the list!! Post coming soon :)

5. Host a dinner party

One of my good friends did this last summer, and we had the best time. I'm hoping to continue this as a new tradition. 

6. Go on a picnic

Any opportunity to purchase a cute picnic blanket!

7. Float the Buffalo

hahahaha again people are laughing. But I recently went kayaking for the first time and LOVED it. That same day actually some of my friends from home texted and said we should go and float a river near us!! Stay tuned to see if this happens.

8. Floral arranging

I really wanted to take a floral arranging class, but can't seem to find any local ones. I've seen some videos, though, and want to try it out!

9. Ride horses

One of my long-time friends used to show horses as a hobby and I would always love to go to shows with her (or tbh just live out my "Longest Ride" dream). I'm hoping we can go ride together sometime this summer!

10. Be creative

Any time I spend with Cate always encourages me creatively. I'm more of a computer/writing creative type, but she always inspires me to start some kind of project. Comment any suggestions you have! 

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