Thursday, June 22, 2017

Memorial Day in Columbia

The much-awaited road trip to see Cate finally happened!! Since last August, we've been trying to find a full weekend that worked for both of us. The long Memorial Day weekend proved to be a winner!
If I'm being honest, I had been in a real funk the first few weeks of the summer. I had all these things I wanted to do,  new, creative avenues I wanted to explore, and so many trips I wanted to go on (and no money! #shocker) And I was just feeling kind of empty. But my time with Cate left me feeling full, encouraged, and inspired.
Upon arrival, found this girl in the yard photographing her roommate's new dog. we obsessed all weekend.
Artsy wall at a greenhouse

We actually cooked most of our meals while I was there! Feeling domestic, obviously.
Yes, they were actually organic.
Our big adventure on this trip was kayaking! If you've been following this blog for a while, you might remember that last summer we tried to be #adventurous and go bike riding in the middle of June in the heat of the day! That wasn't our brightest idea. However, this one was! I had the best time, the weather was good, and someone actually commented that we looked "posh, but in a good way."

Also, big things happened on this trip. Cate and I actually got a REAL photo together. Not a selfie. One of Cate's sweet friends, Ellie, grabbed the camera and took enough photos that we had significant options. Girls, you know what I'm talking about.

Memorial Day picnic at the lake

sporty gals!

My last day we spent "working" at the local coffee shop. Lots of creativity goin' on there, folks.
And then, we tried to recreate this photo of a girl wearing my same shirt.
Thoughts on La Croix?
We concluded the trip with a fancy GNO at a cool pizza place.
And we bought a key lime pie that we ate all of ! ha!
And again, we got some more photos together.

Thankful for this weekend of girl talk, sleeping in, laughter, and cookie logs. Can't wait for our next weekend together, sweet friend! 

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